examples interview

johnathan ross with will smith

* The interview were place in a studio where they broadcaste around the UK.

* john and will is sitting quite close and were sitting is a normal postion, this mkes the interview for will interesting and open minded, and for john it will be every question he ask , he will recive form will.

* the both sitting on the same chair hight but will is leaning ford towards john witch make will is higher than john .

* there wasnt anything bettween them, they both face ford toward eachother.
most of the question johnathan ask will is open question like, about his movies carrer and how is it working out for him.

the only close question from john is to do a remake of one of will's movies, will wasnt looking at john and talk to him about that conversation, but turns away and looking at the audience awkwardly, this makes the interview for will, uncomfstable for him to talk about remake a new movie will john.

* the body language will will and john is relax and interesting for both of them.
* the tone of voice, will only raise this tone of voice when he make a joke
* the eye contack with john and will is conected with opening question and answer, only when they make a joke will look away is to the audience.

this is my interview analysis base on tv interview.

this is my interview planning